
Hey Everyone, 

Want a cool Valentine's Day gift? We will be selling these awesome test tube roses on Tuesday the 11th and Thursday the 13th!

Test tube roses: $7 ($5 for club members)
Mason jar roses: $10 ($7 for members).
Succulents in cute containers: $8.

Supply is limited, so if you want one, pick them up fast!

Location will most likely be at the Biosciences Building (will update closer to the date).

Want to Preorder? Follow this link:

Hey everyone,

Its time for another cool event! On January 22nd from 5pm-7pm, BEC is presenting Meet Your Profs 2014!

Interested in a plant-related research being done at UBC? Intimidated by some of your professors? Come join us for a relaxin night of pizza and refreshments and socialize with professors from the botany department! This is also a good opportunity to look for a lab supervisor if you are considering starting a Directed Studies project or just want to volunteer in a lab.

When: Wednesday, January 22nd, from 5-7pm
Where: Biosciences 1018
Free Food! (Vegetarian pizza will be available)
From everyone at the UBC Botany Enthusiasts Club, we would like to extend best wishes to everyone for 2014!

Hey Everyone,

From everyone at the UBC Botany Enthusiasts Club, we want to wish everyone a very happy and enjoyable holidays!

Hey fellow Botany Enthusiasts,

Finals are just around the corner, from everyone at the Botany Enthusaists club, we wish everyone the best of luck on your exams!

by Mailund

Hey everyone,

From everyone at the Botany Enthusiasts Club, just wanted to wish everyone a safe and happy Halloween!

Hey fellow Enthusiasts,

Need a break from studying? Has the Vancouver weather brought you down?

Come join us at the VanDusen Mushroom Show, happening on Sunday, October 27th, 2013

Contact the Botany Enthusiasts club if you want to come with us at